Motorcycle Touring in the Lakes

The video above gives a taste of Motorbike Touring in the Lakes. Fantastic scenery in all weathers - many bikers return again and again to England's most beautiful corner.

Devils Bridge at
Kirkby Lonsdale
attracts a good crowd of bikers if weather is at all decent. There is a good burger bar serving excellent tea, and being just a 15 minute ride from the Lake District National park boundary makes it a great starting point for a motorbike ride through the Lake District.

In the Lakes itself you should ride the Hardnott and Wrynose passes but be careful of cars ahead suddenly missing gears. Honister and Kirkstone offer super views but are not as steep - 4th gear all the way.

Motorcyclists should take care on the narrow roads, beware of sheep, they are dozy creatures and there are some stubborn Highland cattle around on at higher altitude as well.